Craigmillar Tapestry Project

Craigmillar Tapestry project – Mondays 10.30 – 12 at Richmond Church,

Wednesdays 1030 – 12 online:


Learn stitching and tapestry skills, meet others, discover the history of Craigmillar and help design and make new panels of Craigmillar today. Weekly online sessions and one-to-one tutorials in person are available too. Final Tapestry panels to be exhibited at Craigmillar Arts Centre and Castlebrae High.

Connecting Craigmillar works to enable opportunities for local people to meet, have fun, learn together, form new friendships and develop lasting positive change together.

It is for local residents of all ages and backgrounds in Craigmillar and Niddrie to develop projects, groups, events, and activities around things they are interested in, and to focus on things they want to learn about and change. The aim and ethos of the project is about supporting mutual aid, informal learning, and community-led solutions.

If you live in the area or know someone that does, you can get in touch with Connecting Craigmillar who can support you to develop an idea, passion, or interest, or act on an issue you care about.


Contact number: 07909257415

Email: [email protected]

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Jul 10 2024


10:30 am - 12:00 pm

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